Entrepreneurism Admired
I admire creative people who can think of an easier way to do something and create a business out it. Even though the economy is struggling, there is always opportunity to find a better way. Sometimes it is simply improving what already exists, such as a vacuum cleaner or fan. That is why I found… Read More »
Obama’s New College Loan Program
Obama mentioned that as of January 2012, student loan re-payments will be limited to 10% of income, and any left over balance after 20 years, would be forgiven. Sounds good, similar to the current plan that already exists for some loans and some non-profit employment situations after 10 years. So the new plan seems to… Read More »
Dave Ramsey’s 12% Return Rate Realistic?
Recently a small group leader of our current Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University Class asked me: “I have been getting some questions in my group and I have been wondering myself, Dave is a big supporter of mutual funds for savings and I agree I have some myself; however, with interest rates being what they are, is… Read More »
Top Financial Mistakes
1: Negative Spending Have you created a budget and do you stick to it? If not, you may be spending more money than you make. People who have created a budget have a good idea of their monthly income and expenses and can accurately diagnose their financial condition. Other signs of negative spending include the… Read More »
What is a financial plan?
A lot of people wonder what a financial plan really is. Not everyone knows what they are so I thought I’d write this post to cover it. A financial plan is a written document, compiled by financial planning software, that takes into consideration your present financial situation and your future goals. A financial plan serves… Read More »
How I Shop for Tires
Are you thinking about buying new tires before the hard winter weather hits? Have you looked at them lately, do they look bald? The old rule of thumb is to stick a penny in the tread and if the tread doesn’t go above Abe’s head then it is time, even if close you are ready. Tires… Read More »
Large Lawn Mower Expense Avoided
A couple of weeks ago my 1998 42″ Craftsman Lawn Tractor model # 917.271021 with a 15.5 hp Kohler engine, decided to empty its transmission fluid on my back yard. The transmission case somehow got a crack in it, and it is too old and costly to replace. I was not happy with the thought… Read More »
Device Saves Car Repair Expense
Does the little check engine light on your dashboard light up? It may be telling you vital information about your car, that if not attended to right away could result in a significant repair. On the other hand it may indicate something really simple such as a loose gas cap. How do you normally tell… Read More »
Budgeting for the Weekend
Weekends are the hardest on our family’s budgets. We are really good throughout the work week at not going over our entertainment budget. We take lunches, stay away from stores and other places of temptation. When we go online, it’s more for work than play. Come the weekend, sometimes the celebratory feeling hits, and we… Read More »