Financial planning used to be reserved for the wealthy only. eFinPLAN makes personal financial planning accessible for every person and every budget.
Behind our software is a team of financial experts. The calculation engine has been serving planners for more than 30 years. Since 2007, eFinPLAN seeks to provide actionable financial insight for regular people – from those just starting out to those entering their retirement years.
We are a financial resource for people in all stages of life. Share your eFinPLAN with your financial adviser or tax professional for further collaboration and impact on your future financial goals. With a documented personal financial plan, you can make financial decisions with greater information, understanding, and collaboration.
No matter what financial mistakes you’ve made, or what your current financial situation looks like, you have the control in planning and improving your finances today. Our online financial planning provides hope for everyone who is struggling with:
No longer do you need to feel inferior, disappointed, embarrassed or defeated. Generating a wise financial plan is the first step to building your confidence and shaping your future!
Despite the fact that we are an online financial planning solution, eFinPLAN strongly believes the determining factors of financial success revolve around relationships. Financially healthy individuals and families are conduits of generosity and prosperity in their community. To contribute ourselves, eFinPLAN donates a percentage of our profit to various philanthropic pursuits and charitable organizations.
Accessing a custom financial plan through eFinPLAN is simple, secure, and extremely affordable. Sign up today to start your specific path to financial freedom!